ACTS 27: Take good care of yourself today

So here we are on the final stretch of this journey through the Book of Acts – it’s certainly quite a ride!

We continue to read a chapter a day and I’ll provide a link to the chapter in the NIV(UK) version, but you can of course read the chapter in whatever version you like. I’ve been sharing some short reflections, but the important part is the last part: ACTION.

Just a week of these challenges left – I wonder what challenges are in store for us!

READ: Acts 27

REFLECTION: What an adventure! It doesn’t surprise me that the centurion doesn’t listen to Paul and rather takes the advice of the pilot and the owner of the ship. What does Paul know about sailing? These men have years of experience. Yes they do, but they may also have an agenda. They may be motivated by greed or impatience to take this risk that doesn’t pay off.

Then Paul does that whole ‘I told you so’ thing and then they start to listen. They cut the ropes to the lifeboat. They trust Paul enough to relax a little and eat. He keeps everyone calm and stops them acting rashly out of panic for their lives.

Keep up your courage.

This story speaks into my life at the moment. I’m in the middle of a huge storm and feel myself tossed around on the waves and feel like I’m on the verge of drowning all the time. I’m scared and overcome with anxiety. The fear of what might be stops me from taking good care of myself in the present. I’m looking for ways to escape that are probably not the right ways.

I’ve lost sight of the truth that God is in control. God will keep me and my people safe. I need to keep up my courage. I need to look after myself. I need to stop panicking about what might happen and focus in on what is actually happening in this moment.

Maybe you can relate to that too.

ACTION: Take good care of yourself today

Only you can know what that would look like for you.

Take time out. Get out in the fresh air. Feel the sun on your face. Exercise. Rest. Eat well. Drink water. Do something creative. Laugh. Have a long bath.

Whatever calms you and soothes you. Whatever nourishes and nurtures your mind and body.

Know that God has got this. The storm is scary but God is there in it with you. Try not to worry about what might be.

Focus in on what is.

Yesterday was about showing kindness to others. Today is about showing kindness to yourself.

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