ACTS 10: Explore a new way to worship God

We’re well into this journey through the Book of Acts and it’s proving to be an exciting adventure full of twists and turns. We’re reading a chapter a day and I’m providing a link to the chapter in the NIV(UK) version, but you can of course read the chapter in whatever version you like. I’ve been sharing some short reflections, but the important part is the last part: ACTION. How have you been getting on with the short daily challenges so far?

Are you up for today’s challenge?

Then let’s continue!

READ: Acts 10

REFLECTION: There’s a huge shift that takes place within Peter in this story. We’re not a part of that context, so it’s difficult for us to understand what a challenge it is for Peter to visit the home of a Gentile. Not just any Gentile, but a Roman centurion. The Romans are the enemy. They’ve been exploiting the Jewish people for years, taking over their land and forcing them to do things their way.

And here, God is sending Peter to the centurion’s house. God is working in the hearts of both men to break these ingrained cultural barriers down. God does not show favouritism. His love and light and way are for all people everywhere, regardless of race and culture and tradition.

It’s hard for Peter to let go of that old thinking, those old traditions that no longer serve his faith journey. Moving on into God’s new way is scary. Allowing these Gentiles to be baptised is a massive step in this new direction.

ACTION: Explore a new way to worship God

We easily fall into the trap of believing that the way we do church is right, that it’s the only way, the best way. We can feel that we have a monopoly on Christianity and that our traditions are the way things should be done.

God is much bigger than any of our structures and institutions and rituals and traditions.

God does not show favouritism. And neither should we.

So today, explore a new way to worship God. Find some prayers or songs from a different part of the world. The internet is a huge resource here – use it to tap into a different way. Have a look at what God is doing around the world. Let go of any preconceptions you have about your way being the best way. Stick a pin in a map and google Christian worship in that place.

Open your mind to what God is doing all over the world and how He is doing it.


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