All that seduces…

seductive womanProverbs 5 opens with a strong warning to stay away from a seductive woman –

The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet,
her soft words are oh so smooth.
But it won’t be long before she’s gravel in your mouth,
a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart.

Yes, there are seductive women around. Yes, men are drawn into affairs with seductive women and their lives and families are destroyed. It happens.

But I believe this section can be seen as much broader than this. What about men, for example? Women can be swept off their feet by the wrong man. Seduced into making really poor life choices.

But let’s take it broader still. Just as wisdom is seen as Lady Wisdom and insight as Madame Insight, maybe all that seduces us and draws us away from the truth is seen here as the seductive woman.

Yesterday, I described the adverts in the sidebar on Facebook for pretty dresses as ‘seducing me’. I am drawn to them. Especially when I feel a bit down and want a pick me up. I waste hours scrolling through cool sweatshirts and amazing dresses. I am tempted to order. Sometimes I even start filling my virtual basket. Even though all my common sense is telling me this is a dodgy Chinese website and to walk away, my will wants to stay a while longer.

Maybe the seductive woman is advertising. It’s clever and targeted. There’s a whole industry behind it, funding all the science and research, coming up with all the ways to make us believe we cannot live without this item. We’re seduced into spending ridiculous money on things we don’t need. Which feel great for a moment, but soon turn to a wound in your heart when you’re faced with the credit card bill for items you don’t even use any more.

girl in bedAnd gravel in your mouth? That reminds me of the morning after the night before. When it felt like such a good idea to buy another round. When you can’t remember exactly what you said or did, but you’ve got a feeling you went too far. When you have a busy day ahead, but you have no day how to get through it, let alone enjoy it with the hangover you’re nursing.

And a pain in  your gut? Maybe from that big blowout meal? From never being able to walk past the cake shop without going in? From living on fast food? It’s all so easy, so seductive. Healthy living takes time and thought and planning and energy. Or maybe it’s from constant stress and anxiety. Things that gnaw away at you and you hope that if you ignore them, they’ll go away. Or not enough exercise because the sofa is so seductive right now.

chooseDo you see where I’m going with all this? We all have things that seduce us into making bad choices. Choices that ultimately lead to death and not life. Choices that bring hell on earth and not heaven. Choices that destroy and do not restore. The seductive woman looks different for each one of us. We are tempted by different seductions. Sometimes they are very subtle and may take some working out. Others are brazen and are staring us in the face.

So work out who she is for you.

And work out how to stay away from her.

You don’t want to squander your wonderful life…

You don’t want to end your life full of regrets…

And so, in contrast to being led astray by the seductive woman, the man is encouraged to ‘drink from his own rain barrel’. Enjoy his wife. Never take her love for granted. Turn his attention to what he has and treasure it.

And you see, this can be seen as broader than just a man and his wife. Although, of course, it’s great advice for every married man out there.

CHOOSELIFE_NEON-2But to me, it implies that we should all turn our attention to ourselves and all that we already are and have. We have so much to be grateful for. Life is not about looking at what’s out there and feeling we need all that to be healthy and happy. We have all that we need within ourselves. God has given us life and breath and His presence and wisdom to enjoy. We don’t need the latest phone to connect with people or the latest running gear to get fit or that new car to visit a friend. We have more than enough. We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people and stop finding excuses not to move out of our comfort zone and live. Truly live!

It takes thought and hard work and discipline, yes. No pain, no gain and all that.

We’ve not been promised an easy ride. But a gloriously rewarding one, oh yes. Living life to the full is always the best way.

Death is the reward of an undisciplined life;
your foolish decisions trap you in a dead end.

Choose life!


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