Living the role and loving the people……

crownSaul is king. But maybe he doesn’t really start to be king until this –

When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him, and he burned with anger. He took a pair of oxen, cut them into pieces, and sent the pieces by messengers throughout Israel, proclaiming, “This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not follow Saul and Samuel.”  1 Samuel 11:6-7

Here he actually begins to act like king. He needs to believe in it for himself. It’s not just about someone else telling him he is king. He needs to step up and lead and be decisive.

A few questions I can’t answer –

How can the Spirit of God make Saul burn with anger? Does this make reacting in anger OK?

How can cutting up oxen ever be OK?

Isn’t this threat a bit heavy-handed for Saul’s first action as king?

And what provoked such a strong reaction in the first place?

eyeballsI can answer that one.  Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh Gilead. The men of Jabesh offered to make a treaty with him. His response?

“I will make a treaty with you only on the condition that I gouge out the right eye of every one of you and so bring disgrace on all Israel.”  1 Samuel 11:2

Nice. Different times, different rules, different measures, I guess.

Nahash gives them a week to seek help and decide whether to surrender or not.

And Saul hears about it. And this is what fires Saul up into action. This is what kickstarts his reign as king. Because a leader is not a leader until they start to lead. A manager is not a manger until they start to manage. A commander is not a commander until they start to command.

The next day Saul separated his men into three divisions; during the last watch of the night they broke into the camp of the Ammonites and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. Those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.  1 Samuel 11:11

This was enough. Now everyone could see for themselves that Saul was king. Now everyone could see why Saul was king.

Remember the scoundrels who despised Saul and questioned his anointing as king? Well, now the people wanted to bring them to justice. Now they wanted to punish them for disrespecting the king. Now they wanted to defend Saul’s reputation and stand up for him.

But Saul says no. He doesn’t need this. He knows that he is king. He believes it in his heart. He can cope with a bit of opposition.

Instead Samuel reaffirms his kingship and they hold a big celebration. Sounds good to me.

So Samuel now recognises that his role here is done. He has done what the people have asked. He has done what God has asked. He has not wronged a single person.

He reminds them of all the times that God has delivered them –

Now then, stand here, because I am going to confront you with evidence before the Lord as to all the righteous acts performed by the Lord for you and your ancestors.  1 Samuel 12:7

And that even so, they have demanded a king and God has given them a king (even though He had proved himself to be their king time and time again).

If you fear the Lord and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God—good! But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors.  1 Samuel 11:15

So now the people and the king have to obey God and fear Him and trust Him and serve Him and follow Him – then all will be well. Only then.

storm on wheatSamuel shows what a grave mistake it was asking for a king in the first place by asking God to send thunder and rain on the wheat that is ripe for harvest. The people beg for mercy.

Samuel agrees to keep praying for them and teach them the way that is good and right. God in His love and mercy has not rejected the people so how can Samuel?

There’s a lesson in there for us about not giving up on anyone. Not giving up on ourselves too.

No one is beyond redemption. No one is outside of God’s love. No one can say ‘God can’t help me. God can’t love me. I’m too……..’

God will not give up on any one of us. God is always reaching out to connect and establish relationship.

It is not our place to give up on anyone either therefore. We should always be reaching out to connect and establish relationship too.

Like Samuel, we should keep praying and showing the way that is good and right. We should be pointing people to God by showing them God’s love in action.



mother teresa

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