Monthly Archive: March 2016


Psalms 46-50

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES: Having a hair cut Seeing my student (with severe learning difficulties) enjoy her work experience so much The banter at work Choosing an 18th birthday present for my daughter An encouraging...


Psalms 41-45

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES: Looking through a stack of photos Buying some cool clothes in a sale at work Watching ‘Divergent’ again in preparation for ‘Allegiant’ coming out this week A different kind of dance...


Psalms 36-40

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES Working on my wall of family photos Watching our favourite TV programme with the kids Doing the three and a half minute exercise challenge with my daughter Helping to come up...


Psalms 31-35

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES: Bacon sandwiches Mother’s Day cards and wishes A delicious roast beef dinner cooked by my longsuffering vegetarian husband My son coming out to the Quayside with me because it was Mother’s...


Psalms 26-30

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES:  Staying in bed til 10am Finishing the white gloss in the hall A family trip to the gym Planning my daughter’s 18th Family film night PSALM 26: I’M DOING OK Test...


Psalms 21-25

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES: Arriving home after driving a hundred miles in a snowstorm Tucking into jacket potato and bolognese when really hungry Watching my friend get into writing Singing through the songs for my...


Psalms 16-20

FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES Trying a new tea – apple and elderflower Yellow roses Listening to my daughter recount the funny story of her blood test – when she thought ‘practice nurse’ meant he was...


Psalms 11-15

FIVE A DAY: Started juicing yesterday – a healthy juice for breakfast and lunch. Planning to do this for a couple of weeks, so my input of fruit and veg has rocketed right there! FIVE...


Psalms 6-10

FIVE A DAY: Had the worst day ever! Not a single piece of fruit or veg passed my lips all day. Shame on me! FIVE SIMPLE PLEASURES Dance. Always dance. My welcome home from my...