Category: Starting Out


The very first beauty contest

Esther was beautiful. The most beautiful girl in the kingdom. Or so the king thought. And he is the one who matters in this story recounted in the Book of Esther. He’d banished the...


The Story of Esther

I hope you enjoyed my little introduction to the Book of Esther over the last few days. It is an incredible story, isn’t it? That a king would fall out with his Queen and...


What’s the point?

‘What’s the point?’ This is a question Andy asks me on a regular basis as he wanders around our house. Our house has taken a hammering over the years. Five boisterous kids who evolved...



I want to tell you about an idea for a creative project I had a few years ago. This is the Introduction I wrote at the time – I have no idea where this...


The wisdom of Solomon……

The kingdom was now established in Solomon’s hands.  1 Kings 2:46 This is how 1 Kings 2 finishes. So what does Solomon do to get to this point? he has his brother Adonijah put...


Zero to Hero

About twelve years ago, I wrote a series of eight sessions for our Sunday School about the life of David entitled ‘Zero to Hero’. Now seems like a good time to revisit that material....


A crisis of confidence….

Crises of confidence…we all have them, don’t we? Or is it just me? I pretty much walk around with at least one crisis of confidence about one area of my life or another raging...