119 Search results

For the term "confidence".

Where does your confidence lie?

I’ve covered this idea before, I know – maybe more than once. No apologies though. This is what stood out to me as I read on in 2 Chronicles and it bears repeating. In...


Confidence is key

Today we’re going to look at the most well-known chapter and story in the book of 1 Kings from the perspective of confidence – confidence in our God. We first meet a local hero...


A crisis of confidence….

Crises of confidence…we all have them, don’t we? Or is it just me? I pretty much walk around with at least one crisis of confidence about one area of my life or another raging...


What is the world waiting for?

When we think about the Easter events, there’s often a focus on the cross rather than the resurrection. There’s a focus on what Jesus did for us as individuals rather than the whole of...


Confused about heaven?

Let’s face it, most of us are. Even within the Christian tradition, there are a wide variety of beliefs about what happens when we die. As I looked round our congregation this morning, I...