Category: The journey


Do you believe life’s a journey?

“Do you believe life’s a journey? I do. I have been on the journey of life a good few years now.” I can’t quite remember why my friend Chris learnt this drama, but we...


Time to pass the baton on……

So today we find ourselves back in familiar and seemingly uninspired territory. Chapter 26 starts with the Israelites’ second census, where every male over 20 in each tribe is counted. This time Eleazar son...


Fuelled by passion

Here’s a chunk straight from the Bible for a change. Context: “Each of you must put to death those of your people who have yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor.” (Numbers 25:6). That’s what...


We never have to walk alone……

On the twentieth day of the second month of the second year, the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle of the covenant law. Then the Israelites set out from the Desert of Sinai and...


Where we live now…..

So now we move on to the arrangement of the tribal camps. God had a view about where each clan should camp around the the central clan of the Levites and the Tent of...